Top court rejects jailed terrorist’s request to annul prison transfer
Greece’s Council of State rejected on Friday a request to annul a decision to transfer convicted terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas to Domokos Prison in central Greece.
The request was denied by the plenary on the grounds that it is the criminal courts and not CoS that have jurisdiction over such matters.
The general secretary for crime policy at the Citizens’ Protection Ministry, Sofia Nikolaou,
The head assassin of the November 17 terrorist group, Koufodinas, 62, ended a 66-day hunger strike on March 14 which he started to demand that he be transferred to the capital’s Korydallos Prison instead of Domokos, the country’s only maximum-security penitentiary.
Koufodinas has been convicted to 11 life sentences plus 25 years and may be eligible for parole in September under the provisions of a more lenient penal code introduced by the previous government.
He has nevertheless insisted that he should be returned to Korydallos, where he had spent the first part of his sentence before being transferred to the agricultural prison.
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